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Sunday, January 20, 2008

This page will be dedicated to informing and updating any of those who wants to know what IHOP-KC is about and what is new around the Missions Base.

IHOP’s focus is teaching young adults to live out a life dedicated to fulfilling the 1st commandment and living out the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 22:37 “Jesus said unto him ‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.’”) .

IHOP is a part of a world-wide prayer movement that the Lord is raising up throughout the earth. More and more houses of prayer are being raised up in cities all over. The Lord is serious about His saints raising up, coming out of the worldly lifestyle, getting serious about prayer, and doing what Rev. 22:17 says “The Spirit and the Bride say come.”

They are dedicated to preparing a young generation for the outpouring of the Lord's Spirit in the Latter days, Joel 2:28, and for the return of the Lord in the end-times.

In May 1983, the Lord promised the church leadership at Metro Christian Fellowship (Mike Bickle) that he would release and establish a 24-hour-a-day citywide prayer ministry. This ministry consists of continuous joyful worship and intercession in full expectation of God releasing revival that will bring in the Great Harvest. On May 7, 1999, the IHOP of Kansas City was officially established and dedicated, fulfilling a sixteen-year vision.

IHOP teaches young people how to live a life dedicated to prayer, a lifestyle of fasting, studying the Word, and living out a life based on the Sermon on the Mount.

IHOP teaches the whole Bible, but emphasizes learning about the end-times message found in the books: Revelations, Daniel, Matthew, and Zechariah mainly.

IHOP also emphasizes studying and meditating on the Song of Solomon. In this book is hidden the treasure of Jesus' love for his bride. It gives you understanding into the love of the Father, and it is crucial to grasp so that we are not offended when the events talked about in end-time study begin to take place (Matt 11:6).

IHOP is a part of a world-wide prayer movement that the Lord is raising up throughout the earth. More and more houses of prayer are being raised up in cities all over. The Lord is serious about His saints raising up, coming out of the worldly lifestyle, getting serious about prayer, and doing what Rev. 22:17 says "The Spirit and the Bride say come."

Bobby Taylor at IHOP

The school that I am attending is called the Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM). It is associated with the church called the International House of Prayer (IHOP). I will try to briefly describe to you how the IHOP started, what the IHOP vision is, what I will be doing there.

What is the IHOP-KC Missions Base?The IHOP-KC Missions Base is an international missions organization committed to:


- intercession, worship, healing, prophecy, and other expressions

-Fasting - their fasting teams cover 365 days a year

-The Great Commission - proclaiming Jesus to all nations with power as the way to establish His justice in the EarthTheir work includes equipping and sending out missionaries as dedicated intercessors and anointed messengers (who believe in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior regardless of denominations) who are working to see revival in the Church and a Great Harvest among the lost.

IHOP-KC Missions Base Vision Statement:

To call forth, and train and mobilize worshipping intercessors who operate in the forerunner spirit as end-time prophetic messengers.

To establish a 24-hour-a-day Prayer Room in Kansas City as a perpetual solemn assembly that “keeps the sanctuary” by gathering corporately to fast and pray in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David as God’s primary method of establishing justice-full revival unto the Great Harvest.

To send out teams to plant houses of prayer into the nations after God grants a breakthrough of His power in Kansas City.

The forerunner spirit operates in God’s grace in context to the fasted lifestyle (Mathew 6) and prepares others to live in wholehearted love by proclaiming the beauty of Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge.All of the full-time intercessory missionaries commit themselves to standards that are vital to the IHOP-KC vision.They insist on 50 hours per week dedicated service:-20 hours per week are allocated to assisting in the training of other intercessors, recruiting new churches to the ministry of intercession, presenting the vision of intercession through written literature and via the internet, and maintaining the administrative infrastructure. -Anywhere from 30-40 hours per week are devoted to the actual meeting in the IHOP-KC prayer room. Many believers from throughout KC area attend, as well as students at the FSM.

I will be enrolled in a 4-year program at FSM as well as being a full-time volunteer member of the IHOP church staff. That will include the above mentioned 50 hours a week plus a full load of classes each semester. The school also helps you to establish a lifestyle that is dedicated to fasting, worship, prayer, and the study of the Word. As full-time “intercessory missionaries”, which are people dedicated to praying for the needs of the nation, the earth, and the people that fill it on a serious and dedicated and consistent basis, it is virtually impossible to work a secular job also.It is truly a place that brings us back to our first love, the first commandment. Matt. 22:37 says "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."


I am writing to you from my new home in Kansas City, MO. Most of my time is spent in the Global Prayer Room at the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City. The Lord has called me as a messenger in the end-times, and they are approaching quickly. I am here to be prepared as a minister through beholding Him in constant prayer and intercession. I minister unto the Lord here at IHOP-KC as an intercessory missionary. I have been here over 7 months, and God has transformed my life. He will continue to draw me to Him through prayer until He splits the sky for His second coming, or I go home to meet my Maker.

On September 19, 1999, a prayer meeting began which continues to this day. From dawn to dusk and through the watches of the night, prayer and worship continues twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The prayer room is the heartbeat – the essence and origin – of all that goes on at the International House of Prayer. IHOP is basically a community of missionaries whose calling is to stand before the Lord in intercessory prayer and worship. It is just one of many houses of prayer that the Lord is raising up across the world. We are so blessed to live in such a time as this!

So, you ask, what is an intercessory missionary? Basically, my main area of ministry is intercession and worship in the two prayer rooms that are a part of the IHOP Missions Base. I spend around 40 hours a week in the prayer rooms focused solely on prayer. Intercession is the “governmental seat” of the world. God chose to use us, weak human beings, as the way that He administers His government here on earth. When we pray, God moves on our behalf and things shift in the heavenly realm (which in turn affects the physical realm). I have included a slightly more in depth study (with scripture references) on the back of this letter. In addition to the time spent in prayer, I am also a full-time student at the Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM). FSM is a full-time Bible school redefining theological education through night and day prayer. Students are required to take a full load of theological classes, have a practicum that must be completed each semester (i.e. street evangelism, working in the healing and prophecy rooms, leading end-times focused small groups, and missions), and must spend a minimum of 24 hours a week in the Global Prayer Room (I choose the 40!).

Psalm 134:1 says, “Behold, bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord, who serve by night in the house of the Lord!” Here at IHOP, I am a member of the Nightwatch which means that I am in the prayer room during the hours of 12 midnight to 6am. God is raising up a night and day prayer movement all over the earth. He is looking for those who will serve Him by night. God has shown me that for this season of my life, I am one called to serve Him in the night. He has called me to stand by night and join those fanning the flame on the altar.

As an intercessory missionary, I am supported financially only by individuals and organizations that choose to partner with me. They support me financially, and I cover them in prayer. My biggest need right now is for consistent monthly or yearly supporters. I am asking you to consider partnering with me, to help financially support the ministry God has called me to. Thank you!

God bless you,

Bobby Taylor

Website: http://www.bobbyjtaylor.com

Mailing address: 11202 Norby Rd.

Kansas City, MO 64137

Cell Phone: (318) 278-0231

For tax-deductible donations, make checks out to IHOP-KC. Do not write my name on the memo line as the IRS will not consider it a donation if you do. If you don’t want to claim a tax deduction, you can make checks out directly to me. Either way, all funds go directly to me and not IHOP. You can get more information about me and IHOP at my website at http://www.bobbyjtaylor.com and www.ihop.org.

The Fire on the Altar Shall Never Go Out (Leviticus 6:13)

24/7 Prayer and Worship

The concept of 24/7 prayer and worship is a biblical reality that dates back to when God established a nation (people group) to be His own. The first thing that God had the nation of Israel do, once they accepted His commandments and Him as their God, was to build Him a house (tabernacle of Moses) so that He could dwell with them (Exe. 25:8). Ever since sin separated man from God’s presence in the Garden, His desire has been to bring restoration to that relationship and restore what was lost in the Garden. The tabernacle of Moses was the beginning of the restoration of that relationship, and it provided the means for which God could dwell with man again.

Two primary functions of the tabernacle provided the context for a Holy God to dwell with sinful man. First, it was to be a place of sacrifice and offering to atone for the sins of the people, so that they could dwell in the presence of a Holy God without His judgments breaking out against them (Num 18:5). Second, it was to be a place of consistent prayer on behalf of the nations, to bring them to the knowledge of God (Is. 56:7). We find out later that the Lord never delighted simply in the blood of goats and bulls (Is.1:11, Ps.69:30-31). Goats and bulls were a picture of what Christ would do one day upon the cross in shedding His innocent blood to atone for our sins (Heb. 10). Jesus Christ has once and for all atoned for our sins and has done away with the sacrificial system of goat and bulls. Praise God we no longer have to hold to a system of sacrifices, because it was all a picture of what Christ would one day do for us. The functions of His house have not been done away with, but rather they have only been modified. If the Temple’s only purpose was to make atonement for sin, then Jesus would have done away with it once He atoned for our sins upon the cross. Instead, when Jesus showed up in the Temple, He charged them to make it into what His Father desired, a house of prayer for all nations (Is. 56:7, Matt. 21:13). Christ has made a way for us to approach the throne of God with boldness. In this very hour, we stand in the place of prayer with authority to partner with God in making decisions concerning the movement of God in our nation and the world (Heb. 10:19, Is. 62:6-7, Am. 7:2-6, Rev. 5:8, 6:9-17, 8:3-6).

When Moses received the plans for the tabernacle from God, we find that it was an earthly representation of the heavenly tabernacle [(Lev. 26:11, Rev. 21:3) (Exe. 30:1, Rev. 8:3)] and was a picture of things to come (Heb. 8-10). When the Lord taught the disciples how to pray, He said pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6: 10, Luke. 11:2). Jesus instructed them to pray in this way, to teach them that God’s desire is for the realities of heaven to become the realities on earth. Moses did this very thing by building a tabernacle that resembled what he saw in heaven. Likewise, David did this when building his tabernacle as well. David had an understanding that God was worthy to receive unending praise (Ps. 145, 30:12, 52:9), so he paid musicians and singers to worship night and day (4,000 musicians and 288 singers to worship 24 hours a day, seven days a week (1Chronicles 23 – 25). The book of Revelation describes that there are those who worship the Lord never ceasing night or day (Rev. 4:8); and thus by establishing night and day worship, David brought that which existed in heaven down to earth.

It is essential for the people of God as a whole to build a place of 24/7 prayer and worship unto the Lord. God commanded the priests who ministered in His house to never let the fire on the altar go out, but to keep it burning continually (Lev. 6:12-13). Revelation describes that this incense offered to the Lord is the prayers of the saints (Rev. 5:8, 8:3-4). Jesus reveals to us the importance of unending prayer in the parable of the persistent widow. In this parable the Lord promises to bring about justice on the earth to those who are persistent by crying out to Him night and day (Luke 18:1-9). The presence of God comes in response to the cries of His people just like in Moses’ day (Exe. 40:34-35), David’s day (1Chrn. 16:1, Exe. 25:22), Solomon’s day (2Chrn. 7:1-3), and the disciples’ day (Acts 2). The ultimate fulfillment of this will be in Jesus’ second coming, when He returns for His beloved people. His people will be those who are in partnership with His Spirit, who both cry “come” (Rev. 22:17, Lk.18:7-9). 24/7 prayer is about bringing heaven to earth (Eph. 1:9) and providing the context in which God can dwell in partnership with man. When people provide the conditions for prayer that never ceases (1Tim. 2:1-2), God cannot help but to release His power in that place, reveal His goodness, and make the wrong things right. Night and day prayer is the first action (but not the only) that God has called His people to for the releasing of a move of God in this world. From it, all other actions and ministries will carry the blessing of the Lord (1Chrn. 20:21-30, Is. 62, Matt. 9:37-38, 17:21, Luke. 18:1-9, 24:49, Col. 1:9-11, 1Tim. 2:1-2).

Key Facts and Scriptures Regarding the Tabernacle of David

- Tent set up by David to house the Ark of God in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 13, 15, 16:1)

- Levites to minister day and night before the Ark (1 Chronicles 15:2)

- Ministry of music before the Ark directed by David, Gad and Nathan (1 Chronicles 6:31-32, 2 Chronicles 29:25)

- The Tabernacle of Moses at Gibeon was still in operation (with empty Holy of Holies) during this period, under Zadok. There was also music ministry at Gibeon under Heman and Jeduthun (1 Chronicles 6:49, 16:39-42)

- Musicians were exempted for other Levitical functions (1 Chronicles 9:33)

- Head singer before the Ark was Kenaniah (1 Chronicles 15:22)

- Ministering Levites appointed to three primary functions: make petition, give thanks, and praise the Lord (1 Chronicles 16:4)

- Military victory came as a result of the Tabernacle of David (1 Chronicles 18)

- Out if 38,000 total Levites, 4,000 were appointed to praise the Lord and were given provision specifically for that purpose (1 Chronicles 23:4-6)

- David and the army commanders chose the 288 prophetic musicians, 12 per one-hour watch; this provided the connection between ministry and military victory (1 Chronicles 25)

- The period of the Tabernacle of David was a preparation time for the Temple